
Brand Pain

Consumer-brand relationship develops as a result of repeated interactions and, as with any type of relationship, its quality and value are also defined by customer experience. What customers feel and think about those interactions can strengthen or break this relationship. While brands and advertisers talk a lot about brand love, they neglect the real issue: brand pain – how much friction customers experience across their journeys.

Our solution answers questions such as:

How much effort are brands putting customers through?

What are the main pain points?

What tweaks in brand communication can reduce brand pain?

We measure customer effort (cognitive load, time and physical indicators, emotional impact) at the level of each touch point/type of interaction, and compare results with current customer expectations. In this manner, we can determine what acts as an experience detractor through the customer journey, be it an online process, getting post-purchase support (call center, returns, warranty etc.), in-store interactions and others.

Cognitive load

Time and Physical Indicators

Emotional Impact

Brand Pain Stages

1. The Neuro-Research Stage

The neuro-powered research layer uses Effort Assessment Score, in-depth interviews, Implicit Association Testing and a declarative questionnaire to:

Map out the journeys of each customer segment and measure all interactions for levels of friction

Better experiences rely on making it easy for customers to enjoy your product/service and on meeting their expectations.

Identify attributes, values and concepts

That customers subconsciously associate with your brand in comparison to your main competitors. They reflect the perception of the brand in the mind of your customers.

2. The Strategic Communication Stage

Builds a tailored solution based on insights gathered in the first stage. It focuses on improving customer experience across the journey by reducing friction through communication-driven tactics. Each pain point is broken down into key interaction moments in order to determine how the brand can mitigate friction. The final proposal is a customer journey map of current brand pain points with actionable communication insights.

3. The Creative Execution Stage

At this stage we create all marketing and communication materials for at each pain point, needed to reduce customer effort and secure a strong customer-brand relationship. We implement changes at a granular level, making sure everything is correctly and swiftly applied, so as not to disrupt daily company activity.


Detailed customer journey

For friction points, factored on type of customer segment, and a comprehensive report with actionable insights that reduce effort and increase brand loyalty.

A well-documented and data-driven communication strategy

That is focused on aligning brand interactions with customer expectations and needs. It is an actionable road map that promotes customer satisfaction and nurtures a deep sense of brand attachment.

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